lundi 20 décembre 2010

English version





  • Respect for the balance of the state budget (for the creation of a CBI for strict prioritization ofexpenditure, (reminder: over 50% of GDP channeled by the State))
  • Taxed according to the residence principle financial transactions in shares, 0.05% (they represent 70 times the real economy). This would yield ~ 195 billion € in Europe for the repayment of our debt, with limited escape. Strengthening control means IOSCO and ABE (mandatory clearing throughEuroclear). Loss of the banking license if loans below 50% of the activity ..

  • Liberalize the economy sharing (keep a little flexible and binding framework)

  • Guide the long household savings to SMEs of their choice (they represent 55% of GDP)

  • Commodities: Strengthening storage to limit variations due to questions about stocks and to reform the mining code ..


  • Offset by lower taxation charges on employers and employees (halving ideally)
  • => If such historical tax is in place, the entire company will reorganize it around even more virtuous price signals (area of Services, innovative technical and organizational ..)



    1. School: More open, more multidisciplinary collaboration, less competition for healthy motivation - around projects objectives in small groups. Organization biomimetic resilient promoting serendipity and collective intelligence. Promoting EEDD and open criticism.
    2. Recruitment of teachers among the 10% best graduates. Reduction of 20% of class hours and check universal education for parents.
    3. Dev. Projects innovative pedagogically c MOOCs, blended collaborative learning, the school for parents ..)
    4. Structures and independence of students (repeal of the Debré Act anti-secular). Learning of theCNV and the assertiveness from an early age (prevention of long-term social problems).
    5. University: Management Autonomy, zero-interest loans for tuition, rapprochement with the great schools, importance of guidance Search (ideally 5% of GDP)
    6. National: Halve the administration of Rector, the budget of the Culture (results against producing and non-assessed (salable heritage preservation with contract)) and social assistance (1/4 affect revenues (150 billion €) for vocational training in learning (from 15 years), positive psychology,digital, the autoentrepreneuriat at Dev. Project collaborative, etc ..


    1. Unemployment benefits decreasing with training compulsory choice (after shrink maintenance). Importance of integration through employment.
    2. Employment contracts:
      1. In private: Labour Code streamlined and progressive flexicurity (Model Switzerland).Removing the SMIC (reducing unemployment and macroeconomic benefit (see Germany))
      2. For staff: Income Bonus (guaranteed by the State) in exchange for a contract of employment no longer guarantees a job for life (it 'lack' 6 million jobs in the private sector)
    3. Stop public funding for unions because it is useless (In Denmark, employees are better represented without public aid. This would save us ~ € 5 billion)
    4. Favored immigration based on unfilled jobs and visas sale
    5. Retirement: Start possible at any age in proportion to the number of points acquired (see Sweden)


    1. Creating the status HPM (moderately priced housing to empower people ..)
    2. Developing diversity of activity where there is need (entrepreneurship courses (of audiovisual projects or the construction industry for example)
    3. Developing the bonus / malus leaning against the land to promote bioclimatic architecture and energy efficiency (including the artificial soil)


    1. As a priority, the save.
    2. Stop fossil fuel subsidies (6 billion in France, 590 billion in the world!)
    3. Reindustrialise France by incentives (bonus / malus) for renewable energy and decentralized(wind + STEP (lakes + penstocks) + hybrid solar panels, turbines ..). Save on the budget in future generation IV reactors (fast neutron and ITER (~ 300 million € / year)), and the closure of nuclear power plants in the oldest fission (renovation of 20 others for eg)
    4. For a price variable of electricity


    1. Prevention of cancer: Promotion of semi-vegetarianism see vegetarianism biological, physical activity, reducing stress ..
    2. Hospitals: Stop -obligatoires- 35 hours to ease their re-organization. Optimize management using monitoring tools 'Advanced Social Analytics' (BI)
    3. Clinics: Transparency on rates and results, followed register of medicinal
    4. Drugs and prevention: aid assembly advertisements 'ethical' (breaking the image of drugs and by promoting eco-labels ..). Promote positive psychology (Psy aid / recreating the social link / joint activities)
    5. Regulated distribution of soft drugs (good results in Portugal). Including alcohol is a hard drug and costs 40 billion € and 45,000 deaths / year (15 x + that traffic accidents)
    6. For a formal competition of social security (as in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands)
    7. Sports: Division by two of expenditures: Health is based on individual and collective discipline.The infrastructure is not required to practice.


    1. Too much tax kills tax: Simpler taxes and various administrative fees (maximum reduction niches and better fiscal justice)
    2. Reducing subsidies harmful to the environment and greening existing taxes.
    3. Tax Fixed Income 20% (Flat rate tax + negative income) and cancellation of the CS G or LIBER
    4. Degression of employer contributions to the high wages (incentive wage increase)
    5. For a single 10% VAT rate (7% in Singapore and 5% in Japan)
    6. Taxing fuels so identical (including diesel and kerosene)
    7. Inheritance: height 33% tax (intergenerational solidarity and responsibility of each lineage)
    8. Défiscaliser the productive investment (tax outcrop) and integrating extra-financial criteria in the long-term investment policy (long maturity liabilities)
    9. Double the performance of investment innovative low carbon (pref grant. The interests of capital)

Security / Justice:

    1. Stabilize the defense budget (target <2% of GDP) and invest in conflict prevention methodologies(investiss. Close to zero now ..)
    2. Too much law kills Act (legalism = 3% GDP): Reducing legal uncertainty by the normative-control (principle of limited precaution not to hinder research, provided it is transparent). Dice penalizequality standards.
    3. Skip to adversarial system and reform process of defense secret and then increase the budget(reduce the prosecutors for more independence)
    4. Organize a 'referendum' to internal police services and gendarmerie to restore flat missions and desirable convergence of Association.
    5. Implement 'Open Institutions' for small offenses (training and compulsory labor on the Finnish model). Continue to develop the TIG.
    6. Regulation - Per- the class action or 'Class Action'
    7. Distribution regulated of lethal weapons, project organization desirable communities in sensitive environments


    1. Establishing a framework to liberate investments. Eg. in the production of renewable biofuels are not competing with agriculture (3rd generation produced from biomass such micro algae that can simultaneously clarify wastewater)
    2. Report all revenue from the new tax heavyweights (European Parliament, 3 cts / km> 12T) development of multimodal transport (piggyback ..)
    3. Establishment of a variable congestion charge for larger agglomerations
    4. Keep the bonus / malus is a good principle


    1. Develop lobbying is not present enough in Brussels next environmental
      1. Agriculture: For a drop of CAP aid, more orientated towards quality products and practices(ie respect for biodiversity and humus)
      2. Fishing: For implementation of individual transferable quotas and stop subsidies to industrial practices (some nets are 6 times the Eiffel Tower prof ..!)
    2. Long-term goal: Federalism full: Cooperation strengthened between the Member States and their regions - Justice, Defence and foreign policy - (economy of scale and better international visibility to just perimeter)
    3. Always limit bureaucracy as much as possible .. (remaining standards to the general level to optimize the joint interactions between actors in dialogue)
    4. Debts of member countries: For better supervision of the accounts and that the objections to the general guidelines on economic governance are lifted (six pack)
    5. Posteriori control of allocated subsidies and redirecting allocations based on results (includingperceived well-being).

2 commentaires:

  1. Vous qui souhaitez réduire la bureaucratie et êtes très libéral économiquement (cf suppression du SMIC), ne pensez-vous pas qu'un revenu universel s'impose ? On sait que le système social actuel est à bout de souffle. À l'époque où il a été instauré, il y avait 4 actifs pour un retraité. Aujourd'hui, on arrive gentiment à 2 actifs pour 1 retraité. Et on sait que cela ne va pas tenir, c'est déjà la faillite assurée.

    Et au-delà du remplacement des aides actuelles qui sont basées sur une grille de lecture de plus en plus obsolète, la taxe sur les transactions que vous proposez pourrait aussi en contribuer au financement.

    Cela ne paraît pas du tout absurde dans un contexte où l'on travaille de toute manière de moins en moins, et où l'automatisation arrive ;)

  2. Quel que soit le système social, l'impôt négatif est pour moi préférable au revenu universel, car il est proportionnel à l'activité, et encourage donc celle-ci.
